Limb Hanger Turkey Tote


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The “Limb Hanger Turkey Tote” is for that extra comfort carrying out that huge over 20 # turkey. The leather game strap is 1 1/4″ wide and after looping one end over the head and the other over the legs the tote can be draped over head and on your shoulder for hands free toting. This tote is made from genuine harness leather that has been dipped in a special mixture of waxes and tallows to give it a long life of rugged outdoor use. This tote is sure to make any hunt more enjoyable and less hassle getting your trophy out of the woods no matter how far you had to chase him. If you would like your Turkey Tote personalized with your initials, or name let us know. During checkout go to the “Add a note to your order” and explain what you want.

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